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I am a Software Engineer with a keen interest in Cyber Security and a strong foundation in computer science, team building, and strategic planning. Holding a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science and a minor in Mathematics, I have honed my expertise at the University at Buffalo and through hands-on experience in my hometown of New York City. My diverse background equips me to contribute to the creation of impactful and innovative solutions in the world of technology.

  • Python
  • C/C++/C#
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • Bash/Batch Scripts
  • Lua
  • Visual Basic Script/VBA
  • Classic Active Server Pages/ASP.NET/Jinja2
  • My/PL/MS SQL
  • AHK Script
  • Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL)
  • YAML
  • Constraint Satisfaction Problems
  • Planning Domain Definition Language
  • Markov Decision Processes
  • Markov Chains & Applications
  • Bayesian Networks & Inference
  • Bayes Filter & Applications
  • Reinforcement Learning
  • SQL Injection
  • XSRF & XSS
  • Shellshock
  • Packet Sniffing/Spoofing
  • TCP/IP Attacks
  • Phishing/Pharming
  • Public-Key Infrastructure
  • Buffer Overflow
  • Web Tracking
  • Cryptography
  • Android Studio
  • Adobe Dreamweaver/Photoshop
  • Arduino
  • AutoHotKey
  • Git/SVN
  • Microsoft Access
  • Oracle
  • PrusaSlicer
  • Raspberry Pi
  • Visual Studio
  • WSL
  • Home Assistant/Homebridge



Computer Science & Engineering Courses
CSE 115/116 - Introduction to Computer Science I and II
CSE 191 - Discrete Structures
CSE 241 - Digital Systems
CSE 250 - Data Structures
CSE 305 - Introduction to Programming Languages
CSE 321 - Real-Time and Embedded Operating Systems
CSE 331 - Algorithm Analysis
CSE 341 - Computer Organization
CSE 396 - Theory of Computation
CSE 410 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
CSE 410 - ​Computer Security
CSE 421 - Operating Systems
CSE 442 - Software Engineering
Mathematics Courses
MTH 115 - Survey of Algebra and Trigonometry
MTH 141/142 - Calculus I and II
MTH 241 - College Calculus III
MTH 306 - Introduction to Differential Equations
MTH 309 - Introductory Linear Algebra
STA 301 - Introduction to Probability
STA 302 - Introduction to Statistical Inference

Engineering Courses
EAS 140 - Engineering Principles
EAS 202 - Impact On Society
EAS 230 - Engineering Computations
CHE 107/108 - Chemistry for Engineers I and II
PHY 107/108 - General Physics I and II
PHY 158 - General Physics Lab II


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